It’s time to

Understand the Facts

that confirm a Biblical worldview

The Facts

Understand the Facts

Understand the Facts


Does science disprove Christianity, or does science confirm the Christian worldview?

Understand the Facts

Understand the Facts

Historical Evidence

Is there any real evidence from history that confirms the Biblical stories?

Understand the Facts

Understand the Facts

The New Testament

Can we really trust the New Testament? Are those ancient letters and writers reliable?

Understand the Facts

Understand the Facts

The Resurrection

Aren’t there better explanations for what happened to Jesus? Did He truly resurrect?

Understand the Facts

Understand the Facts

Evil & Suffering

Why is there so much pain in the world? Would a good and powerful God allow evil to exist?

Understand the Facts

Understand the Facts

Uniqueness of Jesus

What makes Jesus so different from all other key religious figures?

Understand the Facts

Understand the Facts


What was written about Jesus before He came to earth? What did He predict about Himself?

Understand the Facts

Understand the Facts

World Religions

Aren’t all religions pretty similar? Don’t they all lead to the same place? Do they teach the same “truth” claims?

Understand the Facts

Understand the Facts


Does objective truth exist?
Can someone’s claims or beliefs be false, or is it just “their truth”?

Understand the Facts

Copycat Religion

Is Jesus a copycat savior? Did Christianity steal its stories from pagan mythology?

Understand the Facts

Right & Wrong

How can we determine what right and wrong are? Who gets to decide? Is it subjective or objective?
