Reliability of the
New Testament
Did Jesus really exist?
Some argue that Jesus was less a historical figure and actually just a myth. Did Jesus Really Exist? Let’s see what the historical evidence has to say about it.
Is the New Testament Reliable?
Is today's new testament the same as the original that was written two-thousand years ago, or has the original been hopelessly lost? After all, not one of the original manuscripts still exists.
Textual Criticism & Why It Matters
How do we know Jesus was really who he said he was?
There’s great evidence for the historicity of the gospels, and for the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
Are the Gospel Narratives Legendary or Historically Reliable?
Dr. William Lane Craig speaks on how we should approach the Gospels historically.
P52: The earliest handwritten copy of a gospel.
When were the Gospels written?