The Problem of Suffering
The Purpose of Pain
William Lane Craig on the Problem of Evil and Suffering
William Lane Craig and Christopher Hitchens participated in a debate about the existence of God at Biola University. At the conclusion of the debate, Dr. Craig and Mr. Hitchens speak about the problem of evil and suffering in the world.
Is God good?
An animation that explores the nagging question, "If God is all-good and all-powerful, why is there evil in the world?"
Does God Care about Our Pain and Suffering?
Tim Barnett of Stand to Reason offers biblical insights highlighting the reality of God's immeasurable care for us.
Why doesn’t God stop evil?
Dr. Craig discusses the question of faith and why God doesn't stop evil.
Pain & Suffering
Is there a biblical reason for pain and suffering? Pain and suffering in a world created by a good and loving God are difficult issues for some people to accept. Although it is a sensitive subject, there is a biblical reason why pain and suffering exist today.
God and Suffering
Isn't human suffering proof that a just, all-powerful God must not exist? BUT - How can "suffering" exist without an objective standard against which to judge it? Absent a standard, there is no justice. If there is no justice, there is no injustice. And if there is no injustice, there is no suffering. On the other hand, if justice exists, God exists.
Why would God allow Evil and Suffering?
William Lane Craig speaks on the subject of God’s existence along with evil and suffering.
Why Does God Allow Suffering And Evil?
Brett Kunkle offers some perspective on why God permits suffering and evil in the world.
A Purpose in Your Pain
When we’re going through trials, it’s tempting to look at our lives with a perspective of pain. But there’s a purpose in your pain. God never wastes a hurt, and He’s preparing you for something far greater through the trials, struggles, and pain you’re experiencing now.
God's Goodness in Your Pain
The bigness and majesty and sovereignty of God are realities that practically help when we're in the throes of perplexity and pain.
Purposes for Suffering
Pastor John Piper gives 5 reasons why we suffer.
How can a good God allow evil in the world?
An apologist responds to the subject of human suffering, free will, and misconception of the legality of God.