
Do objective moral values & objective truth exist?


“True for you but not for me?”

True for you and not for me? “My truth”?!
An apologist answers.

What is truth?

How is objective truth an argument for God?

How can we know truth?

An apologist talks about the Laws of Logic.

Is truth knowable?

Debate: Truth, Jesus, & Other Religions

The most prominent teacher of mysticism and New Age philosophy in the West Deepak Chopra goes toe to toe in a debate with Christian apologist Greg Koukl on Lee Strobel's show "Faith under Fire".

What is Religious Pluralism?

The topic of truth, relativism, & tolerance.

Does truth exist & can you know it? Is truth relative? How tolerant are you? Find out by taking this short quiz at:

True for You but Not for Me?

Can something be true for you and not true for me? In other words, is the truth relative or is the truth fixed? How you answer this question shapes the way you look at the world.