World Religions
Can all religions be correct?
How Is Christianity Different From Other Religions?
Christianity is unique in that it puts all of the work of salvation, of getting into heaven, onto God instead of man. Every religion in the world is about what man can do to qualify to get into heaven.
Do all religions lead to God?
There are many religions in the world... but do all religions lead to God?
How is Christianity Different than all Other Religions?
What makes Christianity different from every other religion? And why does it matter? All religions are not (basically) the same, contrary to popular belief. In this video I give 3 reasons why Christianity truly is different.
Why is Christianity Right Among Other Religions?
William Lane Craig answers a question on Christianity's exclusive claim to God and salvation.
Is there only one way to God?
What do Hindus believe?
Same or Different?
The Quran talks about Jesus, but is the Jesus (Isa) in the Quran the same as theJesus in the Bible or the historical Jesus?
How does Islam view Jesus?
Do all religions lead to God?
There are seven billion of us on the planet, and most of believe there is some kind of higher power. We just disagree about what "it" is. That's why we have over four thousand religions. So how could Christians say that theirs just happens to be the one true religion?
What Is The Origin Of Buddhism?
Bobby talks about the beginnings of modern-day Buddhism.
Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus
Apologist, Nabeen Qureshi, explains his conversion from Islam to Christianity.